I'm returning after taking a few years off from blogging about St. Therese's 'little way' with my heart full of gratitude for her intercession in my life. The graces I have received are completely unearned...they have been given to me by Jesus through the intercession of our Blessed Mother and St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face.

I have accepted that Jesus asks me to be one of St. Therese's little army who helps win souls for her to bring to Jesus.
As we approach the anniversary of St. Therese's birth on January 2, let us remember to ask our Blessed Mother to shelter and guide us on our path to live what our dear little saint calls "her little way of spiritual childhood."
Her beautiful quote on this holy card commemorates the statue called Our Lady of the Smile, so called because it came alive and smiled at her, curing her of a difficult childhood illness. We should see our Blessed Mother as just that, our heavenly Mother, going to her for comfort and encouragement in our daily lives.
This holy card was out of stock until recently on my website called the little way that is devoted to St. Therese and offers authentic holy cards and photos published by the Office Central de Lisieux in France. It also offers books and gift items centered around carmelite spirituality.
Let me close with this prayer...
St. Therese, open our hearts to your little way. Teach us to throw ourselves into the arms of Our Lord, casting away all doubt and fear and accepting all that he sends us as graces for the salvation of our souls.
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